Arrow Heads: A Field Guide
Book Binding | Illustration | Infographics
The Arrow Heads Field Guide digs deep to uncover America's rich archaeological history buried beneath the soil. More than discarded relics of a long lost past, this field guide shows how each Arrow Head has it's own cultural history and defining story.

Each projectile point has a story. The Tribes of the Indigenous Americans used various techniques to give each Arrow Head a specific form that fits its unique function.

All Arrow Heads in this field guide were hand drawn by pen, charcoal, or pencil and then scanned in. Extra time was take to ensure that each of the distinct details were included, as each Arrow Head needed to be distinguishable so that they were part of recognizable categories.

A great deal of time was spent refining hierarchic display of information. The timeline denotes the historic period that these projectile points were active, and a map was made to help visualize these origin points and give each projectile point a sense of place.